Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating

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How to Cook With Confidence: Using Intuitive Eating Principles in the Kitchen

Ever feel like cooking is way more stressful and confusing than it needs to be? Like when David from Schitt’s Creek is completely and understandably baffled by Moira’s instruction to “fold in the cheese”?! If you’ve been there, staring at a recipe or zoning out in front of your pantry with a mix of confusion […]

The 4 Types of Hunger in Intuitive Eating

What comes to mind when you think about hunger? Many of us are quick to identify the physical signs, like a growling stomach or feeling low on energy, but there are 3 other types of hunger outlined in Intuitive Eating. Identifying and understanding these different types of hunger can help you connect with your body’s […]

Dog holding a pretzel toy in its mouth

Pantry Staples for Intuitive Cooking and Eating

We’ve all been there: a busy day, an unexpected change of plans, or just the general stress of navigating the grocery aisles that keeps us from making that much needed trip to the store. When life gets hectic and grocery shopping just isn’t in the cards, your pantry can be your saving grace. Pantry staples […]

The Toll of Diet Culture: Understanding Its Impact on Our Mental, Physical, and Emotional Health

Diet culture is deeply ingrained in our society, influencing how we perceive food, health, and body image. While it promises happiness and success through weight loss and control, the reality is far more damaging. From media and advertising to social interactions, diet culture promotes restrictive eating habits and unrealistic beauty standards, often leading to disordered […]

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